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Saving dogs and cats in Boerne, TX and the surrounding area by finding forever homes locally and transporting out of state.
Our Dogs
Our Cats
Dog Adoption Application
Cat Adoption Application
Charming Shirts
Capital Campaign
Volunteer Application
Dog Foster Application
Cat Foster Application
Doggy Day Out
Found Dog Form
Dog Owner Surrender
Found Cat Form
Cat Owner Surrender
New Pet Tips
Our Team
Contact Us
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Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! Please fill out the form completely, and you will hear from us as soon as possible.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip code
What is your age? You must be at least 16 to volunteer without a parent.
When are you generally available to volunteer?
Monday AM
Monday PM
Tuesday AM
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
Wednesday PM
Thursday AM
Thursday PM
Friday AM
Friday PM
Saturday AM
Saturday PM
Sunday AM
Sunday PM
How would you like to volunter?
Yard Volunteer (Pet care and clean up)
Walk dogs
Cat Care
Drive animals to/from vet appointments
Take pictures
Write bios
Socialize animals
Train animals
Apply for grants
Off site events
Event planning (Auction
Foster (Please fill out our separate foster application)
How much can you comfortably lift?
Choose an option
Why are you interested in volunteeering with us? For volunteer hours or just to help out?
Emergency conact name, relationship to you, and phone number
I understand that because I may handle and/or come in contact with animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with my physician. I release the Charming Pet Rescue from all responsibility that may occur because of my not pursuing this matter further and I understand whatever decision I make is at my own risk. I have read, understand and agree to the above tetanus information.
I acknowledge and understand that as a volunteer of the Charming Pet Rescue, I am not covered by workers’ compensation or any other insurance policy through the Charming Pet Rescue for any damages or injuries I may sustain during volunteer activities. I understand that I am responsible for obtaining health insurance coverage through an independent health insurance company.
I fully understand that as a part of my volunteer work for Charming Pet Rescue I will come into contact with animals either by directly handling them, fostering or through assisting in their care and adoption. Further, I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury, and that it is possible that I may be bitten, scratched, and/or otherwise injured.
I fully understand that as a volunteer and/or foster home for Charming Pet Rescue, my family may come in contact with animals Charming Pet Rescue at events, and I and my family and/or guests may come into contact with animals in my home if I am fostering an animal. I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury, and it is possible that my family and/or guests may be bitten, scratched and/or otherwise injured.
My signature to this volunteer liability release attests to my intent to hold harmless and release from all liability Charming Pet Rescue or any of its past, present or future Officers, agents, volunteers, employees or assigns, from all acts which are related to the normal performance of required and implied duties. My signature, whether original, by fax or any other electronic means, is valid as if it were an original signature.
Type your name here as your electronic signature
Are you planning on bringing any minors with you to volunteer? If so, please list their names and ages here.
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